Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Deep Learning For Coders - How to Setup AWS P2 instance

This blog elaborates steps to setup AWS P2 instance for fast.ai course on deep learning.

Create AWS Account

Create aws account and select us-west oregon as region by default its ohio (us-west-2).
Go to create case and select “ change limit” option.Give limit as 1 and select p2xlarge give desc as “fast.ai MOOC”And submit request. Got immediate approval.

Install Anaconda python

Get link to latest anaconda 2.x version from continuum.io. I have used below version:
wget https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda2-
bash Anaconda2-

Verify installation:

source ~/.bashrc
echo $PATH

 Install awscli

$pip install awscli


$ aws configure

provide keys

clone git hub material

go to sources/setup

bash setup_p2.sh

Got AWS console  to get the publicDNS

ssh to the aws instance using the command displayed in the output of

and start jupyter

access notebook bia hostname:8888

Give password as  dl_course

Create a new notebook from top right new > Python [conda root]

test by entering 1 + 1
print ('hello world')
How to terminate the stack
 Use fastai-remove.sh to terminate the stack.

Refer below links for more details:


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