Sample script( to dump data to csv file using SQL Plus. Below are the steps.
- Set Database Connection details
- Use Shell script and SQL Plus to generate a .sql file. This gives a lot of flexibility to dynamically generate the query. In below example, I am passing table name as parameter. But this can be extended to dynamically generate where clause etc. Even the table name, columns names etc can be defined as metadata in a text file. And this can be used to dynamically create the SQL query.
- Use SQL Plus 'start' command to run the above .sql file
Contents of
# set oracle home to db client oracle home
ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracledb/base/rdbms/;export ORACLE_HOME
# set output folder path - query results and generated SQLs are dumped to this folder
# if my env, scripts are under /opt/script, and output folder is /opt/script/output/
# please make sure the last "/" is present
OUTPUT_PATH=/opt/script/output/; export OUTPUT_PATH
CON_STR=scott/tiger@//hostname-here:1521/DB-service-name-here ; export CON_STR
#set table name . You can pass multiple parameters like this to the script to make it generic. Even the table name and columns name can be declared in a text file to make it more generic.
#echo "source $tableName";
# generate SQL file
# using "here" string to pass content to SQL Plus and the output of SQL Plus is redirected to {tableName}_dump.sql. The SQL Plus 'prompt' command echo each line to this .sql file
${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus -s $CON_STR << EOF > ${OUTPUT_PATH}${tableName}_dump.sql
set wrap off
set feedback off
set pagesize 0
set verify off
prompt select '"TABLE_NAME"'
prompt ||','|| '"TABLESPACE_NAME"' as optional_header_row from dual ;
prompt /
prompt select TABLE_NAME||chr(44)||
prompt from $tableName;
prompt /
prompt exit
#run the SQL file generated in previous step
# SQL Plus's start command is used to run the sql file generated in previous step
${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus -s $CON_STR << EOF
set wrap off
set feedback off
set pagesize 0
alter session set nls_date_format='DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
set verify off
set trimspool on
set linesize 5000
start ${OUTPUT_PATH}${tableName}_dump.sql
- Finally run the above script and redirect the output to csv file. The table name is passed as argument to shell script for illustration purpose.
$ bash "USER_TABLES" > output/user_tables_dump.csv